Wednesday, July 7, 2010

3 is Magic

Glimpses into the world through the eyes of our 3-year-old:

While walking the aisles of Goodwill today, Abe started chatting with a couple of older gentlemen who were holding hands. One of them was obviously "exceptional" (isn't that the correct term now? no longer special but exceptional). Abe proudly demonstrated to them how he can show how old he is with his three fingers. A few minutes later, we ran into them in another part of the store. Abe's face lit up, shouting, "Mom! Look! There are our friends! Hey guys!" We chatted some more. They were pretty cute. As we walked away for the second time, Abe sighed and drooped his shoulders. I asked him what was wrong. He said, "I like those guys. I wish they could come home with us and live at our house."

After his doctor's visit where he had to get three shots, I'd told Abe he could have a treat. So as we were driving home, he said, "Look mom, there's Whole Foods. Can we go there because they have free samples." So that was his treat. After our free samples, he saw some people across the street, pointed, and told me, "You see those people? I don't know them. Cause they from Kenya." Sometimes, he talks about being from "Efiofia," but then furrows his brows, shakes his head, and says, "I can't say that very good. Efiofia. See?"

One day when I tried to walk into his room while he was playing there with his dad, he held up his hand and told me, "You can't come here because this is our food process." No idea what this means.

While riding in the backseat of the car, I realized that Abe was being especially quiet so I asked him what he was thinking about. He said, "Oh nothing. Just thinkin about the world."

Another time in the car, he asked me "Mom? Where is my crown from the 'Jesus loves me' place?" Ted remarked how nice it would be if that's what everyone got from church, simply that Jesus loves them.

Because we stayed late at the farm where we celebrated the Fourth of July, Abe fell asleep in the car on the way home, not even really waking up as I got his shoes off and his pajamas on him. As I laid him in his bed, I kissed the side of his head and quietly told him I loved him. Though I thought he'd been asleep the whole time, he whispered back, "I love you too, Mom."

Our boy is magic.


jill said...

oh, he is magic.

kn said...

The last paragraph made me tear up.
He is so special.

Efiofia...thinking about the world...ah sweet boy.

coffeemom said...

Oh. Yeah. HE is. This are the magic years to be sure. I'm so glad you have the eyes to see and the heart to relish them. They flash by. But, store them as best you can, sear them into your heart and soul. They are treasures. Your Abe, he is a treasure. This post makes me smile and need to go hug my Gabey again.

Sara said...

such sweetness. If you ask Turo what is at Whole Foods, he'll reply "samples."

Lisa said...

I think that boy lives torture me with his cuteness! Oh well, I'm a willing victim :)

Claudia said...

I'm especially loving 'efiofia'. Way too cute.

Anonymous said...

I concur. Also? You're pretty darn magical....

Meg said...

Three is such a fun age that I've enjoyed with my niece and nephew...I'm excited to experience with our kids! That last paragraph was just pure sweetness. I appreciated the comments you left on my blog last month. Thanks!