Monday, September 6, 2010

End of Summer

I know the last official day is not until the 21st of September (right?) but with jobs and school and wearing down vests last night at a block party, it certainly feels like the end of summer.

Just a few of the piles of books around here that I try to read but then end up feeling depressed about because there simply isn't time in this life for all the books, the piles and piles of books.

The last of the basil from the garden, planted by our nephew who is now living in Mexico.

Rides in a recycling bin at the block party

Abe was most excited about finding this tiny sword in the pinata. Block parties are also for wearing your pajamas and bike helmet all day.

There is nothing like sitting in the middle of the street roasting marshmallows with your neighbors.

Cold enough by the end of the night for thick socks, fleeces, hats and down vests. Summer is done.


kn said...

Lori you really do live on the most amazing block! This makes me happy just reading about it!

Here's to a magnificent fall!

Christine said...

I wish I could have a block party, looks fantastic. Abe is looking good in the pj's and helmet, so sweet.

jill said...

it's bittersweet, the end of summer, but it's always kind of fun to put on fleece and warm socks after a summer of flip flops.