Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Amazing New Toy

Thanks to the camera and apps available to me now on the new phone I've had since January, I now hardly ever use my "real" camera (I'm sure I'll get back to it) and spend most spare minutes here and there tinkering with images. The subject could be whatever. I take pictures. I add mustaches and "effects" to things. All the time. The simpleton in me can't get over the fact that all these photos were taken with a phone.

I know I'm not the only one who finds glowing-eyed pets hilarious. I have a friend who regularly texts me photos of her glowing-eyed dog, so this one was for her.

One day this weekend, they decided that they wanted to dress exactly the same.


Christine said...

pretty amazing little phone.

Gretchen said...

Two things:

1- I love your pictures
2- you have incredible lips