Wednesday, January 30, 2008


One of the surprises that the twist in our (hopeful) adoption of Abenezer has brought is a new set of things to celebrate. I had never imagined when we first entered this strange world of international adoption that I'd be ready to break open the bubbly to celebrate an appeal being officially filed. When I read the email from our caseworker today telling us that all the right papers were officially filed in the court of appeals on Wednesday, I had this feeling of lightness, of relief, of...dare I say it?... happiness.



erin said...

I've been catching up with you, and boy, have you guys been through the ringer! I'm so sorry things haven't flowed as easily as they could have and that it's been so tumultuous. Add my prayers to the mountain that most likely has been piling up for you. I wish you and Abenezer a successful appeal and for everything to run as smoothly as possible.

Anonymous said...

I'm coming from lots of infertility treatments and yes! it's amazing what counts for really good news in times like these. Not how we thought it would be when we started...

Anonymous said...

oh, i'm so happy to hear this! please let us know when the appeal date is - i want to be sure to pray for you!!

m&r said...

Yay!! With all the ups and downs you have been through, you deserve to celebrate this moment. We are continuing to keep you and Abenezer in our thoughts.

mama becca said...

woohoo! that's totally worth celebrating! we're celebrating with you! maybe that's why i'm feeling less depressed today... awesome!

Shelly Roberts said...

Great to hear!!! Any idea of what you're in for now as far as timing on hearing from anyone? Continuing to pray you guys through!! Take Care~ Shelly

veggiemom said...

Glad to hear the appeal is official. Fingers and toes are crossed for a good outcome.
Kerri and Ruby

Anonymous said...

Cheers to you and that adorable little peanut :)

Natalie Fournet said...

I am celebrating with you and am thankful for each "small" thing that is a big deal to waiting parents! Natalie

Jocelyn said...

YAY!!!! I checked on and of all day to see..I am so happy:-) I am going to drink a glass of my fine boxed wine (great year, 2008:-) and toast to my friends and this great news!!!!

Stacie said...

Yippee! Happiness is good! Every little step...

(Oh, and after reading this morning about wine - yep, I had some! But not boxed wine - Jocelyn!)

graceling said...

Yea for the banishment of the "nothings!"

May your life be filled with joy!

Jana said...

I'm *so* glad.

Erica said...

I'm SO glad and praying for a miracle!

Carol said...

Yay! Happiness is good. Can't think of a better reason to celebrate!

Melissa said...

Praise GOD!

Drew Carey Show said...

So happy that the appeal has been filed! What a relief to have that step over and done with. We prayed for you guys again tonight before Zoe's bedtime... Oh, and thanks for tagging me! I've got to get on that! Talk to you soon... XOXO Carey

Angie said...

Cheers! To the APPEAL!

Our journey said...

Praise God!! A journey can be made of lots of small miracles.


Deborah said...

We'll keep praying! Blessings,
Deborah, Shamus & Quinn
from deep in the heart of Texas...

Amy said...

Good news!

Anonymous said...

Yeah to celebrating the victories, whatever form they take! I will have to do with toasting with a cup of coffee for you this morning, but the spirit is there. PVZ

Aimee said...

Cheers! And best of luck for a positive answer form the court.

emily said...

I'm so happy to hear this! I will say a prayer for you and your family. By the way, you are a really amazing writer. Don't stop writing!


Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your baby every day

Nicholas said...

Wonderful news!

Annie said...

Glad that you are one step closer...keeping the prayers coming :)