Monday, January 7, 2008

Day of Prayer

Our funny and caring friend Susan wants to organize a day of prayer and fasting for Baby Abenezer. I'm all for it, of course, and am so thankful for her willingness to "do some damage" spiritually for the sake of this babe.

Susan sent me this today to post:

Hey friends of Lori
I'm not one prone to superstition or hyper-spiritualizing things. But I do believe in prayer and fasting, to do some damage to whatever negative forces are at work here.

So I'm proposing to Lori's blogging friends that we set aside a day to pray and fast, whatever you can manage that day, that Abenezer's appeal will come swiftly, that it'll come before a more understanding judge, and that Ted and Lori can bring their baby home.

So what say you? Log in and let us know what a good day is for you. Let's do it this week if possible!



Jana said...

I'm in.

Stephanie said...

Count me in! I cannot do all day due to health reasons, but I will plan to start my day off tomorrow fasting! I've already put the word out for prayers on your behalf!

Love and Hugs to you, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Count me in too, if I could choose a day Wednesday would be good.


Jocelyn said...

I will of course pray for you!!
Go check out my blog, you guys got an award!

Chelsea Bergeron said...

I'm in too.....I will continue praying for your family!!

Angie said...

I am ready and more than willing. Just let me know the day!!

Mamato2 said...

Count us in. Name the day.

Anonymous said...

yessss!!! it's the least we can do. any day will work for us, and we look forward to kicking some evil butt!

Anonymous said...

let me know!

Anonymous said...

Let me know day and time and we will be doing it. We pray for you every day.

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

I saw you came by my *place* and I was excited to know we share this great city. (I officially live in Vancouver. Shhh. Don't tell.)

But I'm so sad to hear the rough news.

I'm here, available, for prayers and fasting.

Tara said...

Yes, yes definitely. We are in!

Drew Carey Show said...

In for the prayer! (I'll have to fast something other than food, because this girl needs her calories)... But we're totally standing beside you guys and already praying like crazy. Zoe and I include you and Ted and Baby Abenezer in her nighttime prayers too!

emily said...

we are in!

Zach and Erin Kennedy said...

Count us in...

Anonymous said...

I'm in too...

Martin said...

I am in. I will fast today, Tuesday, through breakfast and lunch. I'll be praying for you, Ted and Abenezer.
Martin Baggs

Jessica Perberg said...

I'll be fasting lunch and praying for you and Abe today!