Friday, January 18, 2008

Good News from Friends

The Breedloves and Jocelyn passed court this week, and we are so thankful that they're soon to be on their way to bringing their babies home. Both Amy and Jocelyn have been such supportive friends to us through everything--the good and the bad--and we rejoice with them today! It's a little bittersweet knowing they're going to be seeing Abenezer before we are, but I'm so happy at the thought that he's going to get hugs and kisses from Jocelyn and Amy so soon. Both these women have hearts of solid gold. Congratulations and Godspeed, you guys!


Anonymous said...

I don't think you could have better people to go love on Abenezer while he waits impatiently for you :) Hang in there. We still have all of our fingers and toes crossed!

Anonymous said...

You are so sweet to rejoice with those who rejoice, even in the midst of your own mourning...
still praying hard for you, sweet lori!

Scott and Emily Lydick said...

It just kills me that you haven't been able to rejoice too. I hope your day is soon-really soon. You're in our thoughts and prayers!!!

Jocelyn said...

Thank you Lori for such nice words. I hope that we will be rejoicing with you very very soon. If I get to meet little Abe, he is going to know how much you and Ted are fighting for him! I am thankful to have you in my life too!!

Amy B. said...

You are so sweet.


Anonymous said...

How awesome that you are still rejoicing with your friends. It must be comforting to see that families are still being built. Stay strong!!


LISA said...

Just wanted to let you know we've been praying for you.

mama becca said...

Hi Lori...
Just wanted to let you know we've been praying and thinking about you guys this weekend. You're babe's face is glued in my mind! I have now officially entered the nervous mama waiting club. I have nothing to say, other than... I want our sons home soon.
love to you...

Anonymous said...

hi. we don't know each other but you left me the sweetest comment about my experience passing notes to the stranger on a plane.

as i come here and read your experiences, i wanted to take a moment and wish you luck and let you know i'll be sending good thoughts your way.

pass along the story to whomever your wish. the more folks that embrace the bravery of human interaction, the better.



Chris and Lindsey Wheeler said...


I am lifting you and sweet Abenezer up right now!! I am so sorry you aren't going with them. I am praying that he will be able to come home so soon. I am amazed at your strength and are such an example!!

Lindsey Wheeler

Danni and Tommy said...

You have such a generous and loving spirit to celebrate with your friends although everything is so difficult right now. Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you everyday.