Because this is who I was as a 10-year-old...
(notice napkin firmly in place for next feeding)
...I can laugh at things like this, knowing my inner fat-kid now knows her way around an eliptical trainer and does yoga:Fat Kid Successfully Avoids Ridicule By Swimming With Shirt On
lol! I thought this was for real! For the whole first half I was so sad because they kept calling him "fat" and "fat ass"!
oooo. The Onion makes me wince. Poor baby.
Okay, given how extremely tiny you appear in all recent photos, that picture is hi-larious. You were soooo cute. And, perhaps a bit chunky.
When I was little, I looked like I was starving. It's pretty pathetic. My grandmother used to accuse my mom of not feeding us. :)
Also, I TOTALLY had those glasses. Except I had placed a tiny pink heart sticker in the lower corner of the right-hand lens. So embarrassing.
A little chunky...that's funny :) My bff in Slovakia never believed how *fat* I actually was as a kid until she traveled with me to the U.S. and found evidence at my mom's house in old photo albums. I then got to watch her literally fall on the floor laughing at things like the crease made in my cheek fat by my big glasses (as seen in above photo). A pretty kid, I was not.
And yes, the Onion makes me cringe as well, but I thought this clip was so well-done and funny. And I love how the boy is such a great little actor. I was a t-shirt wearing swimmer too :)
*laughing at the above comment*
Awwww...poor babies!!! This was funny though. I love the picture of you. I look back at pictures of myself and think..."Girl, what were you think'in"? Your picture is cute...even if you do refer to yourself as "chubby". Amy
I would never forgive my parents for letting me do a video like this as a kid and it makes me sad for this boy. I know too well the ugly remarks kids make and to this day, they still hurt.
I don't mean for this video to offend anyone. I'm very familiar with these ugly remarks as well--considerable amount of childhood trauma thanks to my parents letting me eat too many Cheetos and Little Debbie snacks. I guess I figure this boy actor is okay with his body and is able to poke fun at himself and others. I certainly hope his parents didn't wrangle him into doing this video and that he's not scarred by the experience.
I hated watching it, but you know, the more I thought about it, the more hypocritical it seems that I should feel that way. I think it just hit too close to home. How many times have I laughed at the portrayal of someone else's "issue". I couldn't bear the thought of never watching Mad TV or Saturday Night Live again!
So, yes, I hurt for the boy, who I know can't be happy about his weight, but I also know when to lighten up!
We're all good!
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