On a positive note after the outpouring of negative L.A. energy, look who came and took our bees Sunday. What a fascinating process it was to watch Stephen get all decked out in protective bee-keeper garb to take down this hive, while Ted stood two feet away with craziness swarming about him, never once managing to get stung. It made me crazy-nervous. Abe and I watched from the window. I know it may be hard to tell in the picture, but I so love that Abe's face is smeared with chocolate from Julie's chocolate chip cookies that she sent with Stephen. As he said, they're like chocolate bars with a little flour thrown in. Just the way we like 'em.
Oh, and Abe really likes humus. This is what happens when I let him loose on the container.
I totally love the positive bee sharing that is going on around your parts.
Also, I love humus too. Abe is a smart boy.
Noby & I shared the hummus appetizer at Kiefer's on Saturday.
Free to and me......
Those are some brave men. Bees are wonderful but they also FREAK me out. I enjoy them from safe distances too.
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