In the meantime, here was one of the highlights of the weekend: we discovered our new favorite band, Scythian. After hearing them at the dance-tent on our way to bed our first night, we decided to hear them every time they played in the next couple of days. This photo was taken at the "busking workshop," the hottest day of the festival, explaining why Abe is clad only in his diaper.
These guys are incredibly fun (and shh...but how cute is that drummer? deliciousness, I say). Go here to listen to their music. Our favorite is "Technocordian." Abe looooves this song. If these guys come to your town, do yourself a huge favor: take the kids and GO.
Here's a live version of the song. It starts out slow but amps up. We heard this performed at Merlefest with several hundred people outside on the side of a steep hill. Despite the heat, most everyone was on their feet and dancing.
Love the band. Thanks for the recommendation.
That looks like so much fun. Can't wait to hear more Merlefest stories.
Oh how funny! I have hit your blog a few times b/c of links from other adoption blogs. We are in the process again...first time international and headed to Ethiopia. I'm from near Spokane, WA and just noticed you have Portland, Or. written in the 'About Me' section. We currently live in Ohio, but all of my family are still in Oregon and WA. I went to college in Eastern Ohio with the Fedoryka brothers and Crosby boy...the leaders of the band. Cuties, all of them, and really great men too. Drs. Fedoryka and Crosby are both Philosophers and were great professors to have. These guys came from very musically talented and intelligent families. Glad you enjoyed them, and hope you saw them out West. They are big in the East, but I've often thought they'd do well in Portland, Seattle, Moscow and Pullman. Anyhow, I enjoy your blog.
Fun! I can't wait to hear about your trip!
Just gave the music more of a listen and totally dig it. I will have to show Jesse because I think he will dig it too. And Ted really cracks me up. :)
If I go with you to an outdoor concert some day, will Ted pick ME up twirl me around like that?
Gotta say... that boy is going to have SUCH happy memories of his childhood :)
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