Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Go. Go. Go.

Somehow, things continue to be rush-busy-rush-airplanes-busy-more airplanes. This has been the most frantic time of our lives since our wedding.

Positives in life right now:

Abe is singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and his ABC's. He also repeats anything one might say. Anything. A couple of days ago, I heard him saying "beer run." We were out. We were discussing our plans for acquiring more.

The grass is green, green, green.

For the past three nights, we've been able to spend over an hour outside in the late evening with our neighbors and the four other kids on our block. It's felt like heaven.

We're all healthy.

Julie published this.

On Saturday, this happened.

I found a pair of J.Jill pants at Goodwill for $4.99 yesterday (despite our frantic pace, I squeeze in a Goodwill run...between the beer runs).

We get to spend the weekend with Abe's "Pappy" (my dad) and my sister and niece at Merlefest in North Carolina. I blogged about it waaaay back in the beginning days of this blog. I think it may have been my third post. I'm trying to be okay with the very long journey there, starting with a 6 am flight in the morning...and with the news my sister just broke to me that the heater in the RV we've rented is broken. It gets down to 40 degrees at night.

I will not be a baby, I will not be a baby, I will not be a baby... sitting on stage with Emmylou Harris and Linda Rondstat ought to make it better, right?

Ya'll have a fantastic weekend. Merlefest pics to come in a few days.
Abe and Mezmur, Saturday April 18th


Melissa said...

It was when my tottler said, "Hell Yeah!" that I realized I had a mirror and needed to watch what I say.

Sarah Bradford-Burton said...

Hope your trip goes well. Sounds like you've got a lot planned. Remember to not sweat the small stinky, cold, annoying stuff and enjoy the big, cute, Abe-ish things.
Love you sista!

Jill said...

Have a wonderful time! Even if in the midst of it it seems like a hassle, you'll have good memories after it's all done. :)

Carol said...

I remember (11 years ago!!!) being caught off-guard when my son was a baby and we were at the park and my husband was swinging him and I realized it was one of the happiest moments of my life. Sweet little things! Tell Emmy Lou and Linda hi from blogland!

Anonymous said...

"beer run"! gave me a great laugh! and i love that someone else uses the mantra, "i will not be a baby"...

thanks for sharing!


Rebecca said...

I like that Abe said "beer run" - it makes him sound even cuter.

Claudia said...

Love the beer run story! Also love the pic of him with Mezmur - WHAT a cute couple :)

Hope the busyness eases off and you get a bit of time to shut down soon. Also hope you enjoyed merlefest!