Sunday, March 18, 2012

More Firsts

We hope our children are adventurous enough that they have a life full of "firsts," but for the time-being, it's so much fun to watch our daughter experience "firsts" that involve this little world we live in here in Oregon. You know how fun it is when you get to show out-of-town guests the wonderful place you are living in? That's what we experience every week with Beti. Following the "rules" about newly-adopted older children, we have been very careful not to overwhelm her with stimuli. We have yet to go to Disneyland or the like. However, now that she's been here for seven months now, we feel it's safe to start introducing her to some of these cool things:

First cotton-candy

First time bowling.

First time to experience the anticipation about the tooth fairy.

First cherry pie with whipped cream.

First time pushing a baby in her very own stroller (an item she's been asking for for months).

First snow angel.

First bite of Voo-doo donuts (which ended up also being her first experience as a wedding guest in a donut shop for a marriage blessed by "the spirits of RC Cola and Kenny Rogers. Hey, we live in the city whose motto is to keep it weird.).

First Martin Luther King Day.

"My dream is to turn the world upside down."

For a little girl whose own personal world was turned pretty upside down, I say about that dream of hers: fair enough. You go on, girl. Do it.


Katie said...

How fun! What a sweet girl!

Christine said...

This girl is something else. Must meet her one day.

Sharon said...

Love this!

Melanie said...

I love firsts! I wish I had thought to capture every single one but some went by with little fanfare. Good for you for getting so many of those moments. You're reminding me that I'll have to stop the daily living of life getting in the way.