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One of the nurses at Abe's check-up visit today noticed him looking at books and launched into a story about the first book she was given as a child...at age nine, right before her family emigrated from Croatia to the United States. Her aunt was going to throw the book out, but she decided to stash it in her suitcase for America. It became a source of wonder and connection to Croatia for her. She still has it.
Abe already has his own pretty large bookcase full of books, mostly found by his cheapskate mom for $0.49 from Goodwill. I've never counted, but it's probably upwards of 50-60. He's only 19 months old. So far, reading books is one of his favorite things to do. I hope this wonder with books keeps up. I look forward to giving him a book on Croatia (one of my favorite countries) and telling him about this nurse who lit up at the mention of books.
On this last trip south, I took Ted and Abe to Natchez, the town my dad is from, to visit the family there. We walked the bluffs of the Mississippi River, drove by countless antebellum homes, and ate greasy sausages and greens made by my uncle. And Abe was dressed in hunting camo for the day, a gift from the deer-hunters.
My grandmother's house has changed not at all in at least 30 years. The same photos are hung on the walls, the same clutter on the "middle room" desk, the same smell, the same cookware and old bottles of spray-net in the bathrooms. It's like taking a step back in time for me. I couldn't stop myself from wandering and nosing about things. I found the bookshelves in the middle room, the room where my sister and I would sleep when we visited. I quickly grabbed three books from the shelves: Ralph Rides Away, What's a Ghost to Do?, and Little PeeWee. My heart was racing as I took them to the living room to sit on the couch and read them again. These moments on my grandmother's couch became one of the most emotional parts of our trip for me.
I wasn't expecting the tears. Anyone who reads this blog knows that I cry kind of a lot. Most of those tears are expected for normal tear-inducing things like a difficult adoption or songs by The Weepies or celebrations when my friends reach some milestone...not a book called Little PeeWee. But there I was, crying as I looked through these books, remembering the hours I spent as a near-sighted chubby girl who was no good at all at any sport, reading and rereading and drawing in the margins and adding snarky thought-bubble captions to the illustrations.
My Maw-maw and Uncle Eric let me take one of the books home with me. I chose Ralph Rides Away, mainly because I thought I could find the others on amazon or ebay, which I can. I haven't ordered them yet but hope to at some point. I'm thrilled that we have a son who stares at book

Notice how Abe blends into the couch here? That's because of the camo, people! Just doing its job!
I was confused for a second...then I figured it out...
Of course he loves books...look at his mommy. That picture of him really illustrates how Abe is 'lit from within.' The thought of you guys dancing last night just revealed to me the true purpose of a blog (:
P.S Where is he in that last picture? I can't see him. (;
Oh, what a heartfelt post. It makes me almost smell my grandparents home too. Something about it feels like home!
I love the last picture, all you can see is Abe's face - pinch!
Something tells me you and I would get along famously...tearfully nostalgic at books from childhood that mean so much. Your writing is gorgeous. I loved the last post too.
I still get the same way about Lamont the Lonely Monster, The Big Tidy Up, and Corduroy (a few of my childhood books that my kids have now). I think I was just as excited about our new little library as the kids were, because I would have LOVED something like that when I was little. It is great that Abe already has such a love for books. I wish I had more time, as an adult, to read.
I love that my kids are book nerds like I was. My favorite as a kid at my grandmas was Mr Biddle and the Birds....kind of a weird story, but now it's at my parents house to read to my kids. Love that!
Laughed so hard at the camo comment. Any deer anywhere near that sofa better watch out! there could be any number of camouflaged people sitting there.
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