Sunday, September 20, 2009

Million Miles Tour

Last night, we went to hear our friend Susan do her thing (and what a funny thing it is) at the Portland leg of Don Miller's Million Miles tour.

The tour is just getting started, and they're going to a total of 65 cities. If they come to your town, you really oughta go. Susan will make you laugh. So will Don. Ted actually guffawed a couple of times while Don was speaking (Ted, by his own admission, is a horrible audience so getting him to guffaw is a pretty big thing). It'll also make you do some thinking about the story your life is telling or the story your life may not be telling.

This is what was going on at our house while we were gone:

Abe and his cousin Matt perfect their cool-face while playing drums.

How great is it to have a live-in babysitter? Let me tell you: pretty incredible. Abe only asked about us once in the three hours we were gone. We also came home to the most awesome leggo airplane hanger imaginable on our back deck and an interesting story about the 9-year-old neighbor down the street taking Abe to go poop.

As for Abe's story, one thing for sure is that his life is already filled with some pretty wonderful and quirky characters.

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