And someone very far away, unknown yet to us and us to her, is one step closer to being welcomed into our family*. She's experiencing or has experienced a side impact in her life, much like the t-bone crash above, putting her in the circumstances that lead to her becoming our family. These are her ashes. This is what I think about as we begin the wait to find out who she is.
We're here. We're waiting. Praying her wounds can heal and she can bloom in the safe place we offer. God, make us worthy of such a task.

*As of Monday, we're officially on Gladney's waitlist for a referral...finally. We were pretty slow this time round).
praying for your sweet family... the Lord has his hands below you, above you, behind you, and before you.
That is a lot going on. I'm glad you are official. She's out there.
Praying for swift simple recovery from the crash! And mazeltov on the birth! Pure joy! And your little girl? Praying for her, and you guys, too.
You ARE worthy of such a task, you have the heart to care and try. Hence: worthy.
Have a blessed Easter.
Thoughtful and beautiful.
I'm praying for the future Rooney girl....
Wow....a lot to take in.
Also praying for the new Rooney. Love your thoughts on that one :)
that is one terrible crash, how terrifying. thinking of you and the newest Rooney. and I think about worthiness, too.
Oh wow, way too much to all take in.
Amazing how she's been there all the time, but now... she's real .
Oh my goodness, you are such a beautiful writer, and a beautiful person! We've never met, but I follow your blog religiously because you are so insightful and thoughtful and interesting. I'll be praying for your family and know you'll be such a great mom, such a great family, to your one day daughter, just as you evidently are to your little charmer of a son.
I am lucky to know you. Congrats on being on the waiting list! I am so looking forward to the day you see her face. Praying for healing and celebrating life with you!
So glad to hear of three eventual happy endings!
Congrats on making the waiting list...we did too a couple of weeks ago. Let the wait begin. Hope your family member recovers quickly.
What a sobering image along with an exciting hint of the future Rooney girl. Thoughts and prayers with you, Lori Ted and Abe. And well, of course beautiful words and images of spring.
Such wounds, such love, such hope.
All Rooneys - past, present, and future - are in my thoughts and wishes of lightness, healing and fluid&graceful transitions.xxx
So sad to hear this happens to such a beautiful family. Let almighty god give you all the healings and help you need.
So many mixed emotions in this post. Congratulations on being on the waiting list and may all of your family members continue to heal and thrive, wherever they are.
I'm feeling a lot different about our second adoption. I'm still very excited to add to our family - but I also know this only happens by the most severe heartbreak.
Praying for you all - and for her.
Beautiful post, Lori. That's some intense life happening in your family. Congratulations on making it on the wait list and best wishes for your new family member and your injured family member.
So sorry to hear about the accident:( Am thrilled that you're officially on the waiting list. There's a sweet little girl out there waiting for you, too...
Congrats for being on the waitlist.
Spring is imbued of newness, leaps, blossoms, healing. Fitting that your next journey officially begins in the arms of Spring.
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