I go back to talking to the other grown-ups. A few minutes later, Abe is slowly slowly slowly creeping down the sidewalk. He's not pushing with his feet on the ground. He's pushing the pedals, propelling himself forward. I try not to draw attention to what he's doing but am finding it hard to resist the urge to cheer loudly, "Look at what my son is doing! Go, Abe, go!" So I go to him and quietly tell him to push harder. And I nudge again the back of the bike.
He picks up speed. At the point, I'm shouting, "Go, Abe! Go, Abe!" Within half an hour, he has gone from inching himself forward to flying so quickly down the street that I have to yell for him to slow down. His face is concentrated: eyebrows lifted high, cheeks sucked in just the tiniest bit into a fish-face. His back is perfectly straight, both arms straight out to the side, elbows at 90 degree angles. Such concentration, just a little nerdy. He gets speed and discovers the fun in taking his feet off the pedals and flying flying flying. Sometimes he sticks his tongue out. Then he notices me watching him, and he lets slip a crooked, shy smile. He is proud. I am proud.
I can't bear it. Every time I see that little sucked-in cheeks fish-face, oh my heart. It's breaking from the love of this boy. This spin on our neighbor's pink bike with training wheels is a first. I got to see it. I got to see it. One of the best moments of my life.

My heart practically burst reading this. Love.
That face is adorable. That would make me wild with love, too.
oh, so cute and so grown up. i showed peyton before she left for school and she said "abe needs a helmet." :)
Oh Lori! I love him on that pink bike! Go Abe!
Beautiful post. Abe's concentrated look is adorable!
ABE!!! Such big, big news! I so heart this picture, so heart this moment....
I remember the learning to walk video. Now he's bike riding?! Where does the time go? Way to go Abe!
This made my heart suck in it's cheeks. And sigh out with joy.
Awesome for Abe.
Oh happy mama heart!!! Love this!
So beautiful! He and your writing. Brought tears to my eyes (I swear this doesn't happen often!)
What better love?
Go Abe!! What an awesome photo. I love the expression on his face!
Priceless picture. Such a fun post to read. He's the best!
Seriously filled my eyes with tears...Go Abe Go!!!
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