They came before I got home from Ethiopia. They were at the airport as part of my welcome home committee from the trip, along with their mom and my older niece's boyfriend. Having teenagers in the house? Fun. Really. It's noisy and the tv is often on and they eat a lot and play pirates with Abe and are able to sleep through most anything, even when sleeping on the living room couch. I was introduced to a lot of music and weird youtube videos. I introduced them to some too. I now know quite a lot about Ke$ha. Their new favorite song is by Foster the People, thanks to cool Portland radio.
That picture was taken at the airport early this afternoon. They are on their way home, and our house feels really quiet. When we got home from the airport, Abe made a "nest" and just laid down on the couch. I wasn't sure what to do with myself either.
Hopefully soon, I'll start writing again.
Either you start writing again or we are all going to show up at your house and make you tell us about the trip.
Some gorgeous Aunt....
Lori please tell us about your visit before you forget the details as time flays.
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