My love-affair with all things eggy continues until today, so you can imagine my excitement upon walking into Alice's house and seeing a plate of heavy-on-the-mustard deviled eggs made by Christina and Lilly. Forget the moist turkey, rosemary laden stuffing, and sweet potato casserole, not that these things aren't delicious. I just want the deviled eggs.
I haven't spent Thanksgiving with my relatives in Mississippi since I was in graduate school back in 2000. Since then, I've made my own Thanksgiving meal with the help of friends in Slovakia on the Friday after the day (since I had to work on the actual holiday), and cooked for friends and family for two years in Los Angeles where it was always so warm we could eat outside.
Last year was the weirdest Thanksgiving ever, where I had a rueben and cole-slaw at my father-in-law's favorite New York-style deli in Palm Springs. It wasn't without its Thanksgiving cheer though. Upon arriving to Ed's condo and wishing him a "Happy Thanksgiving!" I get a surly "Don't you Happy god-damned Thanksgiving me!" Mr. Ed always makes the holidays cheery and bright.
So with all the years of Friday celebrations in another country, outside on the deck meals in hot L.A., and a Palm Springs Thanksgiving, it was really nice yesterday to be a part of a traditional meal with our family in Oregon. I felt very grateful to Edwin and Alice for hosting everyone and especially to Alice for doing the thankless job of eating the turkey neck and later picking all the meat off the bones.
It was a fun day, one in which we all got to meet a little fella named Peppercorn. He's a shy one who probably doesn't want his picture on this blog--and really, that's best for us all--so in place of Peppercorn, here's his new friends:

And on a side-note (as if this post has a target-note), I don't get how people can drink these sweet coffee drinks every stinkin' day. Sure, it tasted good, but it was so syrupy and was a 16 ouncer too. I felt gross after going through half of it. And what's the appeal of white chocolate anyway? It tastes like nothing to me, just sweet. If any white-chocolate fans out there can explain this to me, I'd be grateful.
Hope your Thanksgiving was happy and that you avoided the mall today.
I too am a huge fan of deviled eggs...yum yum! Looks like a fun crazy group you were with on Thanksgiving...and hey who couldn't use a whole lotta socks! Amy
oh, I SO SO SO avoided the mall.
OK, so I have to ask. I was sitting at my mom's house on Thanksgiving looking through her oh-so-eclectic pile of magazines and while thumbing through Hallmark Magazine (who knew?) I saw an ad for I think a sleep aid with an Abe Lincoln type character in it. Was that Ted? I actually happened upon the ad again in another magazine (I forget which one), but I definitely stared for awhile - I told everyone in my family that I thought it was him and that basically means I know someone famous. They pretty much had the car warmed up to take me to the looney bin. "So you don't really KNOW him, you don't even know if it's HIM, but you're really this excited????" Anyway, I was thinking of you guys on Thanksgiving and it looks like you had a fun one. Impatiently waiting for a post with a cute picture....
I truly enjoy reading your blog. Truly. Truly. You are a great little writer :) We are different in some ways and you have to love that. For example, I love going to the mall the day after Thanksgiving. I love the festiveness of it all....I don't go crazy early or anything, but I do enjoy going. I go knowing that there are going to be crazy crowds and I don't go with the intentions of serious shopping. I just go with the intentions of enjoying the festiveness of Christmas! :)
Oh, I understand about how the mall can be very festive--that's just what they *want* you to feel (I kid, I kid...uh, only sort of). Before we got married, Ted took me to The Grove, that crazy big outdoor shopping mall in West Hollywood where the stars hang out, and while it was truly beautiful what with the lights and tree and fake snow and Santa flying over head (no joke), it was also my first time that I felt this *pressure* to have the sort of life these things can provide me if I only fill my house with stuff from Crate&Barrel. And at the time I was living on an Eastern European teacher's salary and was really very happy with my standard of living there, but all I could afford from The Grove was a tube of $3 lotion from the discount bin at Bath&Body Works. So that Grove experience was the start of making me feel icky about consumer culture...like I was being coerced into feeling that my life was not up to par because I couldn't afford to buy what was being offered.
I was much more content going back to Slovakia where I could walk down the snow-laden mainstreet Christmas market with all the stalls selling local hand-made crafts and handmade pastries and sausages and 'medovina'. Mmmm... I think all this needs to go in another post.
Anyway, if you're able to go to the mall and not feel that pressure to buy, you're a much stronger person than I am. Really. That sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not. I just can't go without feeling discontent, so I just avoid it.
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