Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Bit of News

After talking to our caseworker today, we are cautiously encouraged. Some things are going on, good conversations and a couple of important meetings hopefully within the next week. So, there is more waiting on the horizon and definitely more prayers.

It must be said that Belay is the hero in this whole situation. He is busting his butt over there to talk to the right people and organize meetings. We've heard such amazing things about the man, and we feel so thankful to have him advocating for Abenezer. Please remember him in your prayers: thank God for him and pray for his continued strength, safety and wisdom (and whatever else you feel led to pray).

Thank you to all of you who are making the sacrifice to remember us, Abenezer, Belay, and the rest of the unseen Gladney staff who are working so hard to advocate for these children. Thank you. We hope to hear more news in the next week.


Erica said...

PRAISE God for this encouraging news! Continued prayers for all of you.

Anonymous said...

I have cautious tears of joy. I will continue to pray for the best possible outcome!

Shelia Earl Photography said...

Lori & Ted,

We will continue to pray for all of you - especially for Belay and the Gladney staff working so hard to bring Abenezer home. Thank you for the quick posting and letting us know this bit of encouraging news. Love to the 2 of you, Shelia

Angie said...

We are cautiously optimistic beside you both for little Abe. It sounds to me like if anyone can turn things around, Belay can and will.
Our continued thoughts are with you and we are hoping for the best!

Tasha Kent said...

This is promising news. At the very least, there's a dialouge going on so there's room for hope!

Anonymous said...

love that there is a sliver of hope. peyton came to sleep with us last night and it took me forever to fall back asleep...i was getting frustrated, and then I thought, well, now's the time to pray for Abenezer. the prayers will continue.

Lindsey and Cortney said...

I am thankful for the news to be in the right direction. We are praying for the ultimate good news. I know that you cannot rest assured about much of anything but from what we saw, Belay loves the children above all else. He also knows how you are feeling. He cared deeply about the families and their wait. You are in good hands all around!

Samantha said...

We will remain hopeful.

Natalie Fournet said...

Praying for you all. I can't imagine how hard this wait and roller coaster is. Natalie

Anonymous said...

Lori: still praying, still fasting...

Why is it than I can skip meals accidentally and not be hungry, but the second I do it with purpose I am suddenly famished? Maybe it is just that extra reminder to keep praying.



Anonymous said...

We will continue praying for you and your beautiful baby boy, Abenezer. He is adorable. Blessings.

kristen said...

God is so good! Even when a court says no, he has his ways to have good conversations and important meetings! He has the right people set up to talk to MORE of the right people. I will conitnue to pray that all these wonderful things lead to Abenezer becoming part of your family. How wonderful to have encouragement, even if only cautiously optomistic! I'm so glad for this ray of hope to hold on to. Praise God! ~kristen

Jocelyn said...

This is good news, I will keep praying that we hear even more this next week. I know this waiting is so hard, hang in there, we are all waiting with you.

Carol said...

Lori and Ted,
Little Abenezer has a lot of people working and praying on his behalf! Belay is such a wonderful man and he truly cares for everyone involved in this process. I know the uncertainty is probably the worst part of this whole process, so hang in there!

Unknown said...

I'm a friend of Tara's (originally from Portland myself), and I've been admiring Abenezer's pictures. When I heard about your dificulties it made me so sad for all of you. I'm glad to hear that there is some hopeful news. I've been praying for you today, and I will continue to pray until all of our prayers are answered. God bless you.

Stacie said...

Dialog is good - at least there can be some hope. I am still praying for you guys and baby Abenezer. Will keep Belay and the Gladney team in my prayers too.

Stephanie said...

Lori & Ted, I'm glad to hear the news. I will remain cautiously optimistic. Continuing to pray for you guys!

Annie said...

So glad to read this post and I will keep my prayers coming so that you can be united with your son.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1

Nicholas said...

Inspiring news... I feel that good will come at the end of this.

Jana said...

I've been praying all day! Will continue to.....

Danni and Tommy said...

Good conversations are such a wonderful sign. Just wanted you to know that we are thinking of and hoping for you guys and Abenezer.

The Frey's said...

Dear Ted and Lori,

We remain hopeful!

In Christ's love,

Annie, Paul, Colin and Suzanna

Drew Carey Show said...

So glad to see there's movement on the ground in Ethiopia. You couldn't ask for a better team working for you. The outpouring of love and prayer for Abenezer is just so encouraging to see... "wherever two or more are gathered..." Love to you all!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ted & Lori -

I'm glad to hear there's a little forward movement. I will continue to keep you i my prayers.


emily said...

Great to have some specifics to pray for!

Kristy -Mom To 9 Blessings said...

Definitely encouraging news! I am so thankful to have such an amazing staff at Gladney that goes above and beyond the call of duty on a daily basis to bring these children home!
I'm still praying!!!!!!!

veggiemom said...

Fingers are crossed that you get the news you are hoping for.
Kerri and Ruby

Chelsea Bergeron said...

I really really hope that it all works out...I'll be praying for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Ted and Lori,
I have continued to pray the Lord will lead and direct you as well as comfort you through this time. I will wait to hear more news of how things are working out for you to have Abenezer
