Sunday, January 13, 2008

Monday in Addis Ababa

The day is getting started right now in Addis Ababa. It's Monday morning already over there, 6:30 a.m. I'm trying to fight the growing knot in my stomach with prayer. We're praying for favor and understanding in a meeting that could be taking place any time now...

Clarification: we were told certain meetings should be happening at any point this week, not necessarily on Monday, though we still haven't heard anything yet. Thank you for all the continued prayers.


Tara said...

I am praying for it to go well, right now. I am praying for favor and grace from the Lord- Please Lord, please!

veggiemom said...

I will be dreaming happy dreams of good thoughts for you and baby Abe.
Kerri and Ruby

Shelly Roberts said...

So glad I checked your blog tonight ... praying right now!!! Much love~ shelly

Natalie Fournet said...

Praying for the people involved...for favor and understanding in the meeting! Lord please show your power and mercy today in this meeting.

Angie said...

Sending all good thoughts to Addis Ababa now!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you today!!!
May the peace of the Lord God go with you!!

Karen said...

Hoping for wondeful news later today!

Shelly Roberts said...

Just checkin' in again ..... how are you holdin' up? Know that you're not alone in this wait ..... praying for God to work miracles! :) ~Shelly

Jana said...

Praying God's mercy and justice on the situation. He is good! Keep us updated. :0)

Shelia Earl Photography said...

It is Monday evening (6 pm here/ 8 pm in Addis) and I have been praying all day long for the meeting. Hope that you get good news today.
Shelia (Skopje, Macedonia)

~Laura~ said...

Praying for favor for you guys right now!

Jocelyn said...

I am praying that you get good news today!

mama becca said...

Oh Lori... I know how hard it must be to wait... I've been thinking about a passage in Matthew addressing a father who needs Jesus to heal his son. He is a doubter (like me) but Jesus almost wills this man to have faith... and the man says "I believe! Help my unbelief!" So in the same breath he declares his faith, but his need for Jesus to actually give him faith. That's how I feel about now, and I thought it might help you, too. Just to know you don't have to (and can't) do it alone... we're all here to pray for you and help you. I hope you feel that comfort today!

emily said...

Praying and checking in.....God is good, He is faithful and He is just! Praying the courts find favor with you and Ted!

Heather said...

I've been following your blog. We also adopted via Gladney and brought our son, Zane, home in August. Your faith in what must be a frustrating, heartbeaking, stomach-in-knot situations is a great testimony and encouragement to me and I'm sure the many others following your adoption story. I loved reading your kind words of the Gladney staff and all they do, and especially of Belay. He is wonderful and they all work so hard. You are right in that you have wonderful, well connected, thorough, professional and well intentioned advocates! We pray God will change the hearts of the decision makers to unite you soon with your Abenezer.

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray peace, wisdom and favor over this situation and for everyone involved. May all your knots be unraveled soon.



Tasha Kent said...

Keeping the faith for you guys!!

Danni and Tommy said...

Sending all the positive energy I can your way! Hope you hear good news very soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lori, thinking of you guys constantly and praying that you'll get some clarity this week!

I just read "there is no me without you" and was just floored by it. It really makes the stories you hear come alive. These are real people with real histories. Fascinating book, I can see why you love that author.

Anonymous said...

We continue praying for you.