Thursday, January 10, 2008

Our Confidence in Gladney

Ted and I spent the four months after officially deciding to adopt searching for the right agency for us. We even began the application process with one before finding out policy information that didn't gel with us, leading us to back out. We researched all there possibly was to research and developed the most detailed list of questions you can imagine. When I started going through my list of questions with a Gladney rep on the phone, she laughed at me a bit with her sweet Texas twang, saying she'd never heard such questions before. She reassured me that Gladney believes in trust between their staff and clients. We'd been burned by the previous agency we'd started to sign on with, so the word trust was just what we needed to hear to go full-steam ahead with Gladney.

We have not once regretted that decision. We have the upmost respect for their entire staff and the strongest confidence that they are doing all they can do (and possibly even more, with the help of God) to advocate for Abenezer. Though this is a worrisome, stressful situation we are in, something we haven't worried about even once is Gladney's reputation. There is no other agency that we would want on our side right now, not one.

The world of adoption includes many twists and turns, more than we'd imagined when we set off down this path, and no other road has required more faith or patience of us. I look back at 2007-Lori, the one who sometimes complained about how long it was taking for paperwork to get done or how impatient I felt with the process, and I want to gently shake her and say, "Honey, you have no idea what patience is about to be required of you...better buckle up and tighten those straps."

So Ted and I are doing our best to hang on to that mustard-seed. I hope to encourage others out there further behind us in the process (especially Gladney families) to hang on to faith. Dig deep in search of that little seed and have patience that God's timing is perfect, though you may not be able to see right now (I'm preaching to myself here). And please please please don't let our situation rattle your confidence in the Gladney staff. These people are stellar, I'm telling you. Tears well up regularly when I think of them and all they are doing for our family. They are overworked, under-appreciated, and go the distance with all of their families.

I know that our situation has probably scared a lot of Gladney families out there, but I implore you to understand that what is happening to us now is not the norm: the Gladney team could not have done anything to prevent this happening. We are convinced that they have the best resources available to do all they can to advocate for these children. We ask that you remember what good hands we are all in with Gladney, and that they daily go above-and-beyond, many days working long over-time hours to bring our children home to us.


Carol said...

Lori - thank you for your comments. I'd like to re-enforce your confidence in Gladney. I grew up in Texas and knew Gladney kids when I was little. Today, we live only 45 minutes from the headquarters. Gladney went the extra mile for my family at every turn and they treated everyone in the adoption triad with respect and loving, caring kindess. Hang in there! You guys are awesome and Abenezer is in good hands.

renee treat said...

We are saying a prayer for you and
Abenezer. Your courage and resilient spirit inspire all of us.

Amy said...

Three Cheers For Gladney!!!!

Still praying with you...

mama becca said...

Yes! That is so true. Thank you for encouraging us and reminding me about patience :). Really necessary for me right now. I work for an agency that has the utmost respect for Gladney- Gladney is known by many social workers in this field as the "gold standard." The agency I work for partners with Gladney for a program, and we couldn't be prouder to do so. The professionalism and care is nearly perfect. Lori, this is such a caring post- you know people well enough to realize when fear might set in, and you care enough to stop the fear. Thank you for your sweet soul!
We are continuing our prayers for you...
with love,

Drew Carey Show said...

Lori, I'm so glad you wrote this post. We too have the utmost confidence in Gladney. Families still in various stages of the waiting game can truly rest assured that the team at Gladney are wonderful at giving information to their adoptive families as they have it. They are open and forthright in everything they do. I remember when we had a court delay right after the courts reopened due to some policy changes that I posted about, and I apprently sent some shock waves through blogdom. Mary and Natalie were subsequently inundated with phone calls. I felt bad about it because they were so great about keeping us posted with the details as they pertained to our situation (and they explained to me that each situation is so unique), and there I was inadvertently inreasing their work load! I hope your email helps calm some nerves out there. Gladney is the best. We so look forward to your continued updates, and as always, you remain in our prayers...

Stacie said...

As someone from another agency - I can attest that everything I have ever read or heard about Gladney has been positive. When people contact me for a reference for our agency, they sometimes mention that they're also looking at Gladney - I always tell them that I have heard nothing but good things about them. I think it is wonderful that you have such a connection, and such a feeling of trust with your agency.

Gurskes said...

It is great to hear your passion for your agency. We all hope our agencies are are doing there best to support us! To be honest I think your position has put a little fear in all those adopting..not just from your agency. It is the reality of adopting. No different from being pregnant and something goes wrong. We are human and God is in charge. All we can do is have faith and trust in the ones that are in charge and larger than we are.

We pray for baby Abe!


Stephanie said...

Well written! If I were adopting, I would choose Gladney! Just from what you and Amy have to say about them! :)

Hang in there. We continue our prayers for you!

Shelly Roberts said...

We're all standing with you ... praying and waiting for more news about sweet little Abenezer! Keep on looking to the Lord ..... He's the only way to get through this. What a blessing it is to have such a wonderful agency with Gladney. We adopted once before (domestic) and did not have such a professional agency. Needless to say we are extremely grateful this time around. Know that you're not alone on this journey! Take Care!, Shelly

Jessica Perberg said...

I just congratulate you and thank you so much for your positive perspective about your agency! We love our agency too and are thankful for people we can trust to help us walk this road. Especially when faced with hurdles like what you are facing now. We're still praying for you and Abe!

Natalie Fournet said...

Thanks for your encouragement with this post. As we all wait at different stages it is reassuring to read this about Gladney. Your family remains in my prayers. Natalie

Anonymous said...

Praying for you!! Much love!

Kristy -Mom To 9 Blessings said...

Amen Sister!
I couldn't agree with you more!
Gladney rocks! :-)
Praying for you,

Anonymous said...

Lori: Keeping you, Ted and Abe in prayer. So like you to still be concerned how your situation is impacting others. Love, Pattie

Scott and Emily Lydick said...

We couldn't agree with you more!!! Gladney has been outstanding and I have nothing but faith that each and every adoptive family and adoptee is in their best interest. They have so much patience! I would highly recommend them to anyone even thinking about adoption. Should we choose to adopt again, Gladney will be the first that we call.

Kimberly Baggett said...

I agree that it is a true blessing having such confidence and trust in Gladney! As we are waiting, knowing that we are being represented by people with such a heart for children, takes away the burden of wondering if everything is being done to bring home our children! We are continuing to lift you, Ted and little Abe up in prayer! Your trust and faith in the Lord will bring you strength.

“But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17: 7-8

Jana said...

So true. So glad to be with Gladney!!

Meredith said...

I love Gladney yes I do! I love Gladney how bout you! Lori, I have been following all these updates over the holidays and want you to know that we are praying.

Autumn and Dan's family said...

Wow, wonderful words of wisdom on patience. We also live in Portland. Do you know of an Ethiopian adoption community in Portland? I have been watching your blog and praying for positive results for your family and Abenezer.

Robin said...

It's not how an agency reacts in the good times that determines their character, reputation; it's how they react when things aren't going smoothly that determines the true test of their character.

Gladney shines, in every situation I've seen. They set the gold standard for adoption is what we were told, and I can attest first hand that they truly walk the walk, talk the talk, mean what they say, and do what they say. The US team is amazing; the Ethiopian team are so incredibly dedicated to the children. I witnessed that first hand in November. We continue to be amazed at how self-less the Gladney team is and how, in every situation, put the children first.

We will definitely use Gladney again and would highly, highly recommend them.