When I complained to my mom a few weeks after we got this blog up about how she hardly ever leaves comments, she explained something about how it feels weird for her to leave a message to her daughter in a public place like this. I reverted back to being an eye-rolling teenager and said something to her about "getting with the times" or something dumb like that, but I'm starting to see that there are others who feel the same way about leaving comments.I know this because several people, some of whom I hadn't met yet, wrote me emails after I put our new email address up on the sidebar. Some people are just more of the private sort, and I respect that. I'm just always happy to hear from people, especially people who've been "lurking" (though I've never liked this term--leaving comments is an option, not a requirement when reading someone's blog, though I certainly enjoy and deeply appreciate getting them).
Several of these emails have included offers to mail me gifts for the Gladney home caregivers, and today, I received our first package! That was exciting. A college-friend of Ted's who is also an adoptive parent dropped off on our front porch this morning a huge bag off goodies. As promised, here's a photo of what she brought by, including the samples from Nordstroms and our cat Bang Bang who has to check it all out:

As I mentioned before, one of my favorite things is getting an unex
pected package in the mail. It happened again today. I'm a lucky girl. One of my favorite blogging friends, Jana, sent me this print called "Woman Waiting," which I'd been eye-balling for months now. She herself is the artist. I'll keep it in the plastic envelope it's in until I can get it framed. For obvious reasons, it means a lot to me right now. I love it, Jana. Thank you.
Another high-point of today was getting to have lunch with of one my favorite Portlanders Jill, and today we were accompanied by her younger daughter Peyton. Despite my claim of being really good at tic-tac-toe, Pey made sure to keep me in my place by pointing out that I can't be all that good if we just keep blocking each other where neither of us wins. True dat, girl. (and I just realized looking at their blog archives that their blog is hosting most likely the ugliest photograph ever taken of me and Ted...if you find it, don't show your children--it will give them nightmares).

Another high-point of today was getting to have lunch with of one my favorite Portlanders Jill, and today we were accompanied by her younger daughter Peyton. Despite my claim of being really good at tic-tac-toe, Pey made sure to keep me in my place by pointing out that I can't be all that good if we just keep blocking each other where neither of us wins. True dat, girl. (and I just realized looking at their blog archives that their blog is hosting most likely the ugliest photograph ever taken of me and Ted...if you find it, don't show your children--it will give them nightmares).
Now, everyone: go get thee Lost.
I LOVE the mommy care package for YOU! AND the Woman Waiting. I am confident that some day that the same woman will be waiting for a house of silence instead of husbands and babies and all sorts of things. But for now we know whom she is waiting for. And we're waiting too. With hope.
today was fun!
Hey Susan-- huh? No, it's not a Mommy care package for me! I have no Mommy care package! Again, huh?
I don't leave too many comments since I don't like having too large of a web presence.
I read your blog often. I've never left a comment here, but also love getting them as you said.
So doing unto others... I thought I'd put a good-morning note here to say thank you for your blogging effort and good job enjoying your journey!!
The caretakers are going to LOVE that stuff.
Randi Fried - Mom to 5
Ha I found the photo.. you conventiently forgot to mention that it was about 154 posts ago lol.. I felt bad just flipping through the posts so I actually started reading them. You make lego's look dangerous lol!
Man! I was looking forever for the ugly photo - didn't find it. (You know I had to go look!) I'm going back. :) (I'm sure it's not ugly - especially since we are blog sisters and we are beautiful :)
Stacie: very sweet of you, but beautiful *can* be ugly, believe me. Haven't you ever just stared into a mirror trying to make the ugliest faces you can, just for the heck of it? Or is that just me?
And Rusty: hardy har.
You know you are just tempting us all to go find that picture right? Question for you: How much room do you have to take stuff to the ladies? I made the mistake of asking Carolee if she had any Dr Bronners soap (you know the stuff that makes you all "tingly") hanging around that she wanted me to send you, and in true Carolee style I am now sitting with a case of lavender and a case of peppermint liquid soap for you, and that is not even the stuff I have myself...
Pattie: gotta love, Carolee! Well, I'll have to figure something out with the Dr. Bronners. Maybe I can load up on 3 oz. plastic bottles to separate it all into and do my best to make them look pretty with ribbons and such.
Ahhh, dear Lori, you sent me on a wild goose chase. I thank you for that- I was able to remember how green the earth is under all this snow and how there IS a time when one is actually hot enough to wear a swimsuit. Your friend's kiddos are SO cute. As for the picture including you and Ted- how does one spell "rightous?" Hmmm. Probably just like that. Pretty darn rightous.
The update you received about sweet little Abe is beautiful. He truly sounds amazing.
Oh I just love the print! Have I seen it before, is it a famous one??
You guys are so patient and it will be a happy ending soon! I just know it! Lori
Just wanted to say hi,and glad you got an update on Abenezer.
He's gaining lots of weight!
Hi Lori! I am in MS at my Mom's house who has collected a lifetime of goodies/samples. I am going to send the best of both mine and hers. Can you email me the address to send them to? My email is:
Thank you!
Lori - I'm confessing that I've been lurking around your blog. I got it off of a link from someone else's blog who I now can't remember. :) Ethiopian adoption blogs are becoming my new addiction since nothing much is happening with India adoptions right now. I have a daughter from India who came home 3/07 and am in process for another. Anyway - wishing you the best with baby A!
Kristi W. (werrefamily.blogspot.com)
Hi Lori...
Hope you're well today... praying...
Now I am feeling convicted that I need to fess up that I have been "lurking" your blog for some time now. I found it on the Bottomly's blog and I have been checking in often. I am very impressed with your ability to be so open and transparent. Your blog has really been a blessing to me as my husband and I are just beginning our adoption journey. Thanks for sharing!
love you guys! it was beautiful hanging with you this weekend. i got online in our hotel lobby just to check your blog & leave you a comment. how appropriate that the most recent blog included a comment about commenting. ;o) is that a breadcrumb? see you again tomorrow or sometime in the very near future.
hey that's weird. i'm not mara, i'm amanda. i guess whoever used this public computer for blogging last is still signed in. but it's really ian & amanda. :o)
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