We walked into this office and the receptionist told us that her father was born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi of all places, my home town.
On the way out, this woman stopped us to ask, "Are you Ted Rooney?" It turns out she had recognized Abe from an email Ted had sent to her husband who recently built our garage. Huh? Turns out this woman does voice-over work and is represented by the same agency as Ted. Ted knows her husband very well. As we were talking, we discovered that she is a rep for an international cosmetics company that one of my oldest friends, Stacie, is executive vice-president of. Weird, weird, weird. What are the chances?
So this evening, they came by to visit, bringing us lots of organic, natural baby care products.
We've been giggling at Abe in this hat all afternoon. He's rolling around here on the blanket some of the Gladney caregivers made for him. I'm looking forward to getting to writing more about our trip once we get back to Oregon. We're leaving tomorrow and will be introducing Abe to friends and family there. Fun. It'll be nice to get into a normal rhythm and to see our dear cats again.
More later...in the meantime, feel free to giggle at the silly hat too. We love it.
this is almost too much cuteness to handle :).
(we got the card- have to take it to walgreens to see anything... can't wait! thanks!)
I love that hat!!!
Oh, Lori he's so adorable. I'm so sorry I didn't make it over to Cindy's on Sunday. After Bethany's bridal shower, I was pretty much done for the day. Let me know when you guys will be down here again!
Good advice! It will certainly help with my expecations to have a long marathon view! Love the hat on your smiley boy - seeing him makes me know that all the wait will be more than worth it!
Hee hee...I love the hat!!!
I heart baby Abe in a silly hat. Too friggen adorable. Do you guys just smile ALL the TIME??
Travel safely back to Oregon. I bet those cats of yours are going to be SO happy to see you all back in their clutches....
Oh. And I can't believe you were THAT close to Long Duk Dong and you didn't force him to hold your child. And then force him to say, "What's happening Hot Stuff?"
I love the hat! Abe is too cute! Oh- and I love Sixteen Candles too - we used to rent it at EVERY sleepover so I've seen it about 45 million times. Does that make up for the fact that I like Love Actually? Probably not. :)
Oh - and on a side note - I've been wanting to tell you that I watched Once while we were in the hospital with Micah (he was curled up by my side while I watched). I LOVED it! Loved, loved, loved it.
I think Abe is presh in his fun hat!
Silly guy, he is most certainly a Rooney through and through.
That hat was destined for Abe's head! I knew there was a reason I as prompted to buy it. Re: Sixteen Candles - I also know pretty much every line from that movie. They just don't make teen flicks like that anymore. I did an acting with the girl who played Molly Ringwald's younger sister in that movie and it took everything in me not to toss quotes about. I thankfully kept my cool.
Cute baby, cute hat! Ok, I don't usually comment, but how much do I wish I actually knew you people?! You always look like you are having the most wonderful time as a family! (Almost makes me want to go back to acting for a chance to meet you guys in person!) You are all beautiful
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