Everything is great. The photo above is Ted's first day as a father with jetlag. He's loving it. For any soon-to-be traveling families: try to book the Ayat House as soon as you get your travel dates. It's an amazing place. Also, I've met a lot of your babes already and have taken lots of pictures. The Ayat House is close to the foster care center, and I plan on going back Monday or Tuesday to visit again. I'll take lots more pictures then.
I know I said this on a recent post that not all babies are cute. I want to add a caveat to that: Not all babies are cute, but all babies born in Ethiopia ARE.
We can't wait for you all to meet this amazing creature asleep on me right now. He's even cuter and more amazing in person. We're certifiably in love.
Momma, you're gonna have a COW when you meet him.
Yay!!! So happy for you guys!
Kerri and Ruby
I've been checking the blog fastidiously and was so glad for an update this morning! I can't wait to meet your beautiful boy:)
WOOHOO! I'm so glad to read that you're there and having a great time! He's precious :)!!!
(thanks for hugging my babe for me!)
Yeah!! .... so thrilled to read your post. We'll continue to pray for you as you make the trek HOME! Your willingness to take pictures is such a comfort. Blessings!~ Shelly
congrats! He is SO sweet! I kept checking for an update, like it was my own baby or something! blogging world is so funny that way! I'm so thrilled for you all-yay! God is GOOD!
I am so excited to see a picture of Daddy and baby boy! And I am just so thrilled for you!
Awesome! I am so thrilled for you to finally have your family together! It brings tears to my eyes and a smile to my heart! Bless you guys!
Yay! and yay again! I'm so happy to see you all together. Abe does look quite small next to his papa. Enjoy!
Great pic, but I want more:) Have an amazing time and soak it all in- I will be so excited to read all about it!
I have been checking and checking your blog constantly looking for news. I am so excited to hear some! Look at that! You're parents. Are you simply in seventh heaven? I hope someone got pictures of you first meeting him. So does he stay with you where you're staying or still in the orphanage? I'm dying to see his response to you. I can hardly stay in my seat over excitement in meeting him and seeing you two in the flesh and blood as parents! WAHOO!!!
Melissa K.
Yea! Yea! Yea!!!!! Little Abe looks like he has grown in a month...even though he still is a little dude. I love the picture. I still kind of feel that way...and I don't think I can use jet-lag as my excuse anymore:) We are SO unbelievably excited for you guys... all three of you.
This is so fun to see sweet Abe with you guys!!! Can't wait to see more pics! We are so so so rejoicing with you guys!!!
I shrieked when I saw this picture, Larry ran in, "What's wrong?" Nothing, it's what's right. adorable adorable!!
YAY, YAY, YAY!!! I have been waiting impatiently for news!! CONGRATS Mommy and Daddy:-) I am so incredibly happy for you all!!!
woohooo!!!!!!!!!!!! so so excited for you guys!!! wowza... so so excited!!! congratulations!!
YAHOO! So glad you have him in arms!!
Kristine (and daughter Abbie) from Bellingham,WA
I heart baby Abe. Look at that belly. Wow. He is INCREDIBLE. I can't wait to hear more, dear Lori. Congratulations!!!!
Yay!! I love his super-cute belly! I'm so happy for you guys! He is such a cutie! (But you're so right - all the babes are cute in Ethiopia!)
Congratulations Mom & Dad Rooney!
Super cute belly, indeed! He is splendid! Can't wait to hear more. We've been thinking about you guys every step of the way! Congratulations to the Rooney family -- all three of you!!!
oh, so glad to see an update and to see a PHOTO of Ted & Abe. Too darn cute. He looks darling and of course he's easy going, he's a Rooney! Can't wait to hold him myself!
I am just so thrilled for you all! He is too super cute and I can't wait to get my hands on that fabulous belly. Congratulations! I'm so excited to meet him and squeeze him!
this post and that photo are simply miraculous. we're so happy for you guys!
So, so , so cute!! I hope I get a chance to meet the cutest Rooney. Enjoy every minute. Thanks for posting.
That is the cutest little belly I have ever seen! Can't wait to hear more about your trip!!!!!
Congratulations!! :-)
And, yes - Abe is most definitely an adorable baby!! I'm so happy for you!!
My stars! He's gorgeous. How can he keep getting better looking?
Hallelujah! So excited to see that picture, he just looks so matter of fact sitting there next to his Dad. Could not help but think of you this wekend at the retreat as Carolee got up and sang Orphan Girl---no orphans here just Rooneys.
OH he is super cute, belly and all! was waiting for a post this morning. Even w/ jet lag, how thrilling!!! We are so happy for you and are following your week! Can't wait to hear more and see more pics! Enjoy every minute!
All I can say is YAY, YAY, YAY, YAY, YAY for you & Ted & baby Abe!!
God is smiling on you girl =)
I'm so happy to see pictures of Abe... with his mommy and daddy... just as it should be! I love seeing him with you knowing that I met a month ago--when things seemed so uncertain still--and now he's in your arms!!
Give him a HUGE kiss from me and congratulations again to both of you,
Alyson (Pacey's aunt)
We have been following your trip to Ethiopia and finally seeing Abe in your arms is incredible. What wonderful pictures !! and what a beautiful family !! Shelia (Amy's mom)
I just found your blog today and wanted to wish you well. Your son is so beautiful. Many congrats on your new family!
WoW!!!! I am sooooo happy for the Rooney family!!!! What an awesome day for you guys!! What a beautiful family!!
Brian B.
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