Buddy (the black and white one) only comes in the house after Abe has gone to sleep. Last night, we found these two snuggling, a very rare occurrence:

Our first night home in Portland, we caught Chitty in a compromised position with Abe's fish:
I've had lots of thoughts going around since getting home, and there's still more to share about our trip, but boy, having a little boy around all the time is a bit tiring, both physically and mentally.
For now, I'll leave you with my favorite picture taken so far in Portland. I guess it makes sense that Abe meets a little girl in a pink dress and a feather boa all at the same time:
Is it strange that my own sister in law (above) comments on your blog and never on mine? Hmm.
Abe is adorable! There are many adorable things about him, but his hair is especially standing out in the last picture. Love it.
Hello, just to say your Abe is as beautiful as my Abe.
I too have a son named Abenezer, he is 5 years old and was adopted from Ethiopia almost 2 years ago!
enjoy him, they grow so fast....
I am not feeling up to the caption challenge - although I've been staring at the picture for a while trying. :) It's not so bad to stare at a picture of Abe!
Oh - and yes, I have been to Powell's. Love it there! My sis lives in OR so I always try to visit Powell's while there. We do not have anything like it here- although I really wish we did!!
Just intruding to put in my captions ;)
Abe: They seemed like such normal folks when we first met....
Princess: Yah, well, get used to it, buddy.
Cute photo. Cheers!
Abe: You CAN'T be serious!
LOVE IT! Just wondered today if you were tired yet. Never underestimate the physical requirements of raising a child!
Hint - take naps when he takes naps!
Cindy in MS
Girl: "So...can I have my boa back?"
Abe: "Goal tending? These refs are terrible."
Also intruding for the sake of the caption...(NCAA basketball related).
-Zach (Becca's husband) ps...thanks so much for the photos!
Viva, las Vegas! Viva viva Las Vegas!
No, the show girl sings first THEN the Elvis impersonator!
Abe is too cute! Looks like he's settling in nicely. We enjoyed spending time with you guys in Ethiopia. Kuri named her baby doll Abenezer!
I think in the picture Abe is thinking "Where's my tiara?!?!)
"Seriously? Gen-yoo-ine Cookie Monster fur? No. Way."
"Welcome to my lair. Girls, Boas, Balloons. That's how I roll."
Abe:I traveled all this way for a blue boa?
"How you doin'?" (think Joey Tribiani)
Caption: "I know my Dad's an actor and all, but do they really expect me to wear this stuff?"
Sweet Lou (Jim) Raleigh
Abe: "Hey, how do you like this stylin', baby-blue boa?"
Girl: "Dude"
Note: This will be the next Budweiser commercial.
Caption #1: "The road to their own Rooney ends with a boy in a boa and a diaper next to a purple ball and a genuine Disney princess."
Caption #2: "Abe channels Hedwig."
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