Just putting the word out there.
Yesterday morning before we left town, Judah came to visit:

Before Danni gets mad, this clarification: Judah is a total sweetie. He and Abe get along great. So cute to see them play together.
Abe did great yet again on the plane ride, though the longer we're together, the more his personality is coming out. And that personality is squirrelly! He's a grabber. I punished the guy in the seat in front of us on the plane (for putting his seat all the way back despite it being in the middle of the day and knowing there was a lady with a baby directly behind him) by letting Abe shut and close the tray table about 500 times. Was this catty? Mm, maybe. I'm amazed both by how helpful some people can be to those with babies and how unhelpful others can be...
As soon as we got back to Portland, picked up by our friend Wendy,

Later, these guys came over to meet their new...uh, let's see what are they to Abe? They are the children of Ted's oldest sister's (my mom's age) oldest son. Their dad is Ted's nephew. Anyway, they are family and they are the ones who lit a candle week in and week out for three whole months in hopes and prayers of Abe coming home. Very wonderful to see them together.

Oh, and we made an interesting discovery today: we combed Abe's hair completely out for the first time this morning (before that, I'd just wash it, moisturize, and run my fingers through it), and the boy is a little Don King in the making. Courtney: you're gonna have a ball with that this summer. Abe digs his sunglasses and alien shirts, Uncle Rusty and Aunt Carrie! (and his robe is hung right up next to ours).
Jude's just a little upset because he feels you posted pictures that aren't flattering to his figure. No wonder he spreads rumors about you.
It was so wonderful to meet Abe and see our little ones together! He's such a good snuggler, I can't wait till my next Abe snuggle fix. I'm so glad that you are FINALLY home...it must feel so good.
I love the commentary, I'm sitting here laughing out loud!! And, that hat just kills me!
Jude's right to be angry with you for posting these unflattering pics of his man-belly! All the love that it is and beholds!! Don't you just want to blow a big fat razzie on that tummy???
They are beautiful buds and I love that Abe is still sporting his "horns"!! He is so darn cute!
Cuuute. (Oh, and wash that alien stuff inside out.)
-Aunt Carrie.
PS - Abe is now a featured baby here:
I'm so enjoying seeing that boy in y'all's presence! He looks like a cuddle muffin. That "I can't believe you're here" feeling--Let me tell you, Kinsey will be 6 in June and Shelby 5 in July and it NEVER goes away! I look at them all the time and think "how is this possible?" Children are a miracle and a blessing and I'm so glad you're a part of the Mommy Club!! Welcome Home!
I love the hat, the shirt and the shades!! I'm still sooo excited for you guys. It's beyond words how awesome it is to see Abe at home. I can only imagine what you must be feeling - enjoy it!
Loving these updates!
Rebecca Kepley
Isn't it great to have a little man that sticks up for his mama? He is too cute, so is that Judah:)
Good stuff, Abe is obviously a star already, and that Judah and his little belly I just love!
That first picture is priceless. What a cutie Abe is!! I'm so happy to finally get to read posts about your adventures together with Abe.
I'm glad for the commentary because I thought Judah was looking at Abe's hat a little funny. :) They are too cute together! You should probably get Judah a hat to go with Abe's.
And, the feeling of "I can't believe you're here" really doesn't go away. It's amazing.
I love that Abe is chewing his hat. That is some fun stuff!
Lori, thanks for posting those pictures. After a long day, I can truly say that seeing sweet baby Abe with a hat in his mouth makes me feel SO much better. I can't wait to play with his hair.
Hmmm.... I foresee much laughter in our futures....
Your Abe/Judah commentary was very funny. :)
Enjoy having your boy home in Oregon! So glad you guys are home!
PS. I may or may not have given your email to a friend who lives near you. Her and her husband are interested in talking to someone in their area about adoption. I told her to wait a few to contact you since you are just getting home and adjusted.... Just a heads up, that a sweet girl named Joy might email you sometime. :)
I've been enjoying all the pics!One happy family for sure!!! XXOO
Abe really is just so ridiculously beautiful.
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