Thursday, December 11, 2008

Photos, Socket update

Joy takes lovely photos:
puckered up at Le Happy

chipmunk cheek with breakfast at home

Thanks for all the concern about my shoulder. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow morning.

Two Holiday-related things:

For Twilight fans, this video is chock full of amusement.

If you like sleep, don't watch this video. I couldn't fall asleep the other night from this song being stuck in my head. That aside, it's becoming one of my favorite Christmas songs.


Claudia said...

Oh, what gorgeous photos! Love them! (Glad you're going to the doc, by the way...)

Julie said...

Good luck at the Doc. Hee Haw Hee Haw. The pictures are beautiful.

Amy B. said...

I love that first cute. Glad you are going to get your shoulder checked. Hope all is alright with it.


Stacie said...

Is it just me or does that Twilight video have better special effects than the movie? I think yes.

Hope the doctor can make you all better... or at least fix it so it won't happen again!

PVZ said...

Oooh, Le Happy would make me very happy, I love me some crepes.

Hope the shoulder stays where it belongs and the pain subsides.

coffeemom said...

Great pics!! SO glad you are going to doc, I would and you should! Hope it helps and you get some good info and feel better! Love M

DrewCareyShow said...

Your little man is a dream. Love him.
Feel better...

Amanda said...

That really is one of the sweetest pictures I've ever seen. What a wonderful family.

Rebecca said...

Could Abe be any cuter? His kissy face is adorable. Cute Abe.

Um, hope your arm is feeling better!

Andrea said...

Jingeddy-Jing....It's Donminick the Donkey...

How funny! Thanks for sharing!

~Laura~ said...

so so cute!!