A Few Things We're Excited About
1. This little lady. She is home and living only a few miles south of us.
2. Green tea. I've written occasionally here about what trouble I have sleeping. For the last several months, I have been taking an amino acid called l-theanine to help with mental calmness before I go to bed. If I can shut my brain off, I can usually fall asleep. I read in the health section of our newspaper a few weeks ago that green tea contains l-theanine, so I've been drinking 1-2 liters of it every day for the last few weeks. I have pretty much replaced water with green tea. I think it's helping. Also, I may never get cancer with all those antioxidants being pumped into my system.3. The Oromo Church. When my mom was out here visiting last year, I saw a sign for an Oromo church that meets in Portland. I took down the number but was always too shy to call. It got put on the back burner. About a month ago, I was talking with a few of the young volunteers in the ESL class I teach, and it turns out that one of the best volunteers, he calls himself Dr. Phil, is the son of the pastor of this church. He gave me his dad's phone number, and we went to their service last Sunday. The ladies had prepared lunch and sent us home with two heaping plates:
We had to have a translator, of course, but we enjoyed what we could understand of the service. We'll be going back for sure. One of the cutest things I've ever seen in my life was Dr. Phil's sister leading a group of about 15 two-seven-year-olds in Sunday school, all seated politely in a circle in the parking lot. Abe loved it.4. Pappy's visit. My dad is coming out to visit next month. Abe adores his pappy, being sure to ask God to bless him every single night during bedtime prayers. 5. The Max costume. Abe's current favorite book is Where the Wild Things Are. He would read it over and over and over. That and videos of Little Bear are the only things he will sit still for. I am so thankful that this crafty lady is willing to walk me through the process of making my own Max costume for Halloween. We went this morning to buy the pattern and fabric.
The last and only time I sewed was when I was 19. My mom thought I needed to know how to do it, so I made the ugliest dress you can imagine out of the ugliest fabric ever designed and came away from the experience with a mild case of carpel tunnel syndrome that lasted a week or so: searing pain up and down my inner arm from the wrist to elbow. No fun. We'll see how it goes this time 'round. Good thing I've got an excellent teacher.6. Band-aids and trips to the doctor, bank, notary, post office, etc. Why is Squinty McSquinterson so happy about these band-aids on her arm?
Yep, we're starting again, God willing. Abe really needs a sibling. More on that later.
exciting time, so happy for the Rooneys and so happy we live so close .....much love The Sager
So many wonderful things...I'd been meaning to ask you about the Oromo church -- so glad it worked out!
And so happy about a sibling for Abe!
I suspected that might be what the blood-letting was about. Not sure if congratulations are appropriate as I know it is a long process, but hapy for the thought of the Rooneys gaining another member.
such beautiful and happy Rooney news!
What a lovely set of updates, especially the last one. Exciting stuff!
Yay! Abe's definitely great brother material :).
woohoooo! yaaaaay for starting again!!!!!
sending you lots 'o love...
(oh, and i need to pick your brain about the sleep stuff.......)
Yay for #6:)
Belay told me you were starting again! This is the best best best news! Let me go celebrate with my green tea!
Fun times in the Rooney house. You will have to post a picture of the "Wild Thing" costume...I think your helper will be a great resource...she is crafty for sure. :) Exciting news too about starting the adoption process again.
Ah, now you're public! It's really even realer. You know? I hope that makes sense, it does to me somehow. I'm still so excited and really have much to say, but not sure where to start either: want to encourage but be real too. Hope you know I'm here anytime for anything! You guys are gonna rock this, totally. love M
Wonderful news!!!
Wow!! Happy, Happy news!!!
Wonderful news!!! Abe is going to rock the Max costume! Cannot wait for the pictures.
Gasp! How wonderful! Congratulations :)
And thanks for the green tea tip...my darn brain has a habbit of turning on in the wee hours of the moring!
Congratulations - hopefully you're more skilled at getting paperwork done while pareting a toddler than I've been this time around...:-)
SO HAPPY to read this! YAY!!!
I love how you announced the big news.
Also? I think you need to eat more injera and pizza.
YAY! I was hoping #6 would be one of the exciting things! Super exciting!
Awesome post - and the last picture is perfect!!!!! Can't wait!
Awesome post - and the last picture is perfect!!!!! Can't wait!
Congratulations on taking the leap to begin the amazing process to adopt again, Lori.
Just wanted to let you know that Hanna Andersson has Where the WIld Things Are dolls. www.hannandersson.com
What lovely good news for you all. Love the positivity too!
Lori, I've been battling the non sleep thing too, and I've been going to Charles (I know you might have been to him), but he said my thyroid is what is keeping me awake at night. It's not working properly. I have taken his advice and upped my calcium and magnesium intake and I've actually had two nights of good sleep. I am also making myself go to bed around 10 p.m. before I start waking up again. Otherwise I am awake till about 1 or 2. The kids wake up at 7 on the dot, so I have to be able to get up then. So far so good. I'll keep you updated or you can check my blog. Miss you!
Hey, guys -
First, congrats! So happy for you.
Second, not that I'm pushing a product or anything, but there are some products from Neuroscience that contain that ingredient you were talking about might help with sleep. Might check out their website. My son has had a lot of issues with learning, etc., and this is supposed to be a natural line of products. NO ENDORSEMENT or anything, just something I've heard about.
Congrats again.
Glad to hear you guys are underway for #2. Want to hear more about it. Dan really wants to hire a babysitter for all three boys, and have an evening of adultness- drinks and high counters- with you and Ted. Wanna play?
YAY!! I'm so excited for you guys!
OH Lori! This is wonderful news!!! I am just catching up on all my favorite blogs and I was dancing around with excitement for all of you when I read this. Wouldn't it be incredible if we all traveled together?!?! Congratulations!!
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