Monday, March 10, 2008

Beautiful Boy

The surprising calm continues. I slept nine hours last night. We're almost completely packed. Ted's outside watering the yard. Last night as we were getting things together, we both drifted to the TV, zoning out at that episode of Seinfeld with the friend of Elaine's who flops around bra-less. Good stuff that Seinfeld.

In nine more hours, we'll be sitting on an airplane that will take us to London and then to Addis Ababa. By Wednesday morning, we'll be kissing some long fought-for cheeks. We're staying in Addis at an apartment/guest house, so I'm not sure how much access we'll have to the internet. I'm hoping to be able to at least get some text off once or twice while we're there. Thanks, Carrie and Rusty for your help with that.

Until we're able to post more pictures, here's a collection of some of Abe's best shots up until now. We'll see you all after March 26!

The monster's gone, he's on the run, and your daddy's here...


Heather said...

Wishing you smooth travel! In so many of those pictures it looked as if he knew you were on the other side of that camera. Beautiful.

Shelly Roberts said...

Rejoicing with you guys!!! Will be praying for a wonderful trip! Blessings~ Shelly

Jocelyn said...

I love the slideshow!! Have a safe trip...give Abe kisses from Pacey...she loves him!!

Dani Schmidt said...

Congratulations to you both. I have been following your journey through your wonderful blog. I am so very happy for you.
Have a safe journey. Can't wait to see pics of Abenezer when he is home!

Susan Isaacs said...

I'm so excited I'll be one of the first to kiss him hello! Safe travels, we'll see you at home!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful slide show. Enjoy your trip and your unique experience. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

great slideshow, i bet the first of many. : ) see you soon.

Jillienne said...

Love the slideshow! Have a safe trip! I am looking forward to many, many more pictures!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Safe travels - we'll be thinking of you and baby Abe.

Stephanie said...

That was a beautiful slideshow. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I had happy tears!! :)

Now, I'm praying for you guys as you travel there and back again. We'll be looking forward to your next post. How joyful is THAT gonna be?!!! :)

Love, Hugs & Prayers!

Stacie said...

Sweet, sweet baby boy! I love his smile, his curls, his cute toes! It's finally time to go and kiss those "long fought-for cheeks." (I love that!)
Prayers for safe travels! We will miss you here in blog land! :)

Unknown said...

Oh my word, how beautiful. I hadn't seen any of those itty bitty photos. I actually gasped when I got to the part about Baby Abe becoming Abenzer Rooney- and the tears started rolling!

WHEN did you find time to put that lovely slideshow together?

Loving you! Stephanie, Dan, Liam & Ezra.

Annie said...

Oy, this blog makes me cry....loved the slideshow and thrilled that you'll have that sweet boy in your arms very soon--
thinking of you and sending prayers--

Farmboy and Buttercup said...

Wow! You are off! Have an experience of a life time as you finally join as a family.

BTW -- if you see our cute 4 yr old twins, give them a hug for us, PLEASE.

LISA said...

Have a wonderful, bonding,trip!! SOOO HAPPY FOR YOU'S!!!Can't wait to hear all about EVERYTHING!!{{HUGS}}

DrewCareyShow said...

What a beautiful slide show! Happy tears sliding down my face. Can't wait to meet that beautiful boy!

Amy said...

That was so fun to watch.. such an appropriate song choice too! Can't wait to see you guys all together!

Anonymous said...

Oh he is splendid! I am so happy for you all. (I am Carey's mom and Zoe's gramma, and have been following your journey.) Blessings!

Melissa said...

What an incredible little video. I just can't wait to meet that sweet boy. What a sweet little face. Oh won't he be so fun to have around!!!

Courtney Rose said...

Just an FYI... you'll be meeting your sweet baby Abe on James Taylor's birthday. I heard that on the radio this very morning and thought of you three immediately.
I hope you're there, safe and sound.

Anonymous said...

OK, I know you are in Ethiopia now and not checking this, but it is Wednesday morning here and I am just so excited to think that at this very moment you probably have that little guy in your arms. It overwhelms my heart just to think of it. Sharing joy in the sprit with you this morning friend.



Nicholas said...


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see a Rooney Family Photo!

Praying for your complete joy in Ethiopia.

Kari said...

Ted & Lori,
We've followed your journey via your friend Jana F's blog. Your son is a miracle and we are rejoicing with you as you travel to him!!! Congratulations....he is simply stunning!!

brotayjax said...

I loved watching your slideshow, knowing that I've met him, touched him... knowing that you're finally going to hold him in your arms.

That little man will always know how hard you fought for him... and if that's not the love of a parent for a child, than I don't know what is.

I'm jealous that you're in Ethiopia as I write this, but so happy you're getting to experience the beauty of Abe's birth country. Can't wait to hear about everything when you get a chance to do a little blogging!

Aly (Pacey's Aunt)