As I was writing that sentence Pattie called, telling us that she's tracked down an infant car-seat from a lady we both know at our church to use for the few days we're in L.A. before heading back up to Portland (where we have a car-seat). Yay!
Again, choked up. You notice what's on Carolee's hat? The words "Great Love." Yes ma'am that's right: you do love well.
Also yesterday, Ian and Amanda came by in the morning to bring more baby gear and treats from Porto's Bakery, one of my favorite places around here. How wonderful. They've also lent us their red moby wrap, which I love and will be taking with us on the trip.
This morning right after I woke up, our dear Lily called from our bed in Portland. Our nephew Matt is house/cat sitting from his headquarters in the basement, and Lily came as well to add her help to loving our furry babies while we're gone. I'm blessed beyond measure to know that we have two of our loved-ones staying in our Portland house and that our sweet neighbor Linda agreed to come over every now and then to give skittish Buddy some love too (she's his favorite person in the world).
It's all coming together, and we feel so thankful for our community of friends. Five minutes ago, Susan poked her head in this room to say those most magical words of all: Hey, you want some coffee?

Alright, Mister, we're coming to getcha. You've got an army of good people ready to welcome you home with great love!
Have a safe trip....can hardly wait to hear about it all.
So exciting!
I'm just a lurker, but I've been praying with you guys for months, and I just can't wait to see those beautiful "gotcha day" pics!!!! Blessings, now go get your boy!
How exciting! I'm sending travel blessings and prayers your way! Can't wait to see pics of the Rooney family!
Safe travels friends, cannot wait to see him in your arms and to see that little face in person. By his varied expressions in all the pictures, he is a great addition to the facemaking Rooneys!
Have an amazing trip! I will be looking forward to pictures of you both with your new Rooney!
I get a little teary myself when I read about your support system! But I can tell you already know how lucky you are!
I'm a lurker, but I just wanted to wish you a very safe trip! I've been following your story for awhile and you are included in my prayers. I can't wait to see pictures of you guys with your beautiful son. He is incredibly blessed to have such wonderful and loving parents! God bless!
Jen Rafter in Wichita, KS
Wow. This has been such an amazing journey. I can only pray that you are as blessed by others as I have been blessed by you and Ted.
Oh...I am getting so excited for you guys. We will be thinking of you the whole time. Can't wait to see Abe in your arms. Hope you feel better...get some good sleep tonight.
Yes! It's actually happening! This is all so amazing and wonderful. So happy you have such a great support system to help you prepare for the trip of your lives! Safe travels!
have an awesome trip. i'm so excited to have you all back home and meet abe and hear all about your travels. we are so excited for you!
It's happening!! You are in our thoughts---can't wait to hear about your trip. Travelin' Mercies....
I'm SO excited Lori!! I will be following along with you guys and praying for little A as he becomes a son!! **and you a mommy and daddy!!**
May God bless your trip and the transition!!
Look at those little kissy lips of his. In just a few days, your lips will be on them! Can you believe it??? Wow, oh wow. Talk about great love -- the love of mommy & daddy Rooney. What a wonderful life this precious angel has in store for him. And I'll be praying for your health. I also got sick for the first time in forever the day before we left. Just keep taking your emergen-c and drink LOTS of fluids. Adrenalin will take care of the rest. (Well, and God. He's good at those things...) So excited for you!!!
Talk about being choked up? At the end where you wrote "Alright Mister, we're coming to getcha" the tears poured. Oh my gosh I'm so overwhelmed with thankfulness and excitement. You're going to get your baby. YOU'RE GOING TO GET YOUR BABY!!!!! Our Lord is fantastic!!!
YAY! you leave today-how awesome!!!!! One of my good friends got choked/teared up at absolutely any and every thing in the 2 days before they left for China to pick up their baby-it is normal and understandable given the monumental emotional ride you've been on. But, the best part of the ride is right around the corner-WOO HOO!!! hug that baby to pieces for all of us blog buddies!!
I am all choked up as well! Have a safe, wonderful trip to get Abe. Little does he know just HOW MANY people adore him already! I can't wait to see pictures of you as a family and make sure you keep up the blog so we can see you grow as a family as well! Bon Voyage Rooneys!
Hello dear Friends,
We're so happy for you! You will have so much joy in your lives, and it will be awesome. Forget sleep, forget self, for now you are parents and will be worrying about your child for the next 50 years! Welcome to the wonderful world of parents!
Call us when you have a chance, we'd love to see you when you're in L.A.
that baby is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE please come vist soon.Oh ya i got a new blog see it when you get a chance
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