While waiting outside the gate in Addis, a couple of twins adopted five years ago from Ethiopia by a couple in Denmark were entranced by the boy. They played and giggled with him for at least an hour:

On the plane with KLM (my favorite airline ever--they still use real silverware!). Abe is thinking, "Dudes, I look ridiculous with this monster booger on my face."

We like our "Royal Dutch" flight attendants on KLM. He offered to take the obligatory family photo:

We flew American Airlines from London to L.A. and they were nice enough to give us three bulkhead seats all for ourselves with the most legroom I've seen on a plane. The in-flight videos weren't working, so between meals and playing with Abe, we tried our best to sleep, which we weren't very successful at. At least the games were working, so I got to play a few minutes of Tetris. Fun.
Abe waited patiently to get off the plane in Los Angeles. Everyone who walked by oohed and ahhed over him sitting here in the big chair:

Ted has currently been awake since 1am and is walking around the house wondering when he's going to get tired again. I, on the other hand, feel like a new person thanks to the ten hours I sleep I got, and Abe is falling asleep by sucking on the hand puppet dragon's head in his Baby Einstein activity center as I write this. I should be responsible and lay him down in his bed.
I'm still going through all the comments you all left while we were gone. Though I was able to send emails for posting here, I wasn't able to read many comments, so that is going to be fun reading for me once the boy sleeps again. I also can't wait to check all your blogs and find out what's happened since we've been gone. We'll be posting more about our trip in the next week. Thanks to all who've followed this story and for all the love.
Yippeeee! So glad you're home!!!
Great to see all is well with you guys!!! Looking forward to hearing more about your trip. What an amazing story you have to tell Abe as he grows up. Take Care~ Shelly
SO glad you're home safely. Can't wait to hear more about ET.....
Yeah!! So glad you are home. I sent an e-mail explaining my lack of a drop by last night. Can't wait to meet Abe.
Welcome home....so happy for you guys!
Glad you made it home safe and sound!
Kerri and Ruby
YAY!! SO glad you are home safely!! KLM sounds alot nicer than our United flight to and from China!! **Yikes**
So happy for you!!
Welcome home! Must be an incredible feeling to sleep under your own roof with your sweet son finally home!
Oooh! I am so glad to hear you made it home. No small challenge these past weeks (and months) have been. Let us know when your back up north. I have a band of revellers waiting in the wings...
Love, Stephanie B.
So glad you are home! Now it can start raining PHOTOS!
Yee-haw! I'm so glad I decided to check back again! Sounds like quite the adventure with travels- it must feel SO good to be off the plane.
Welcome back, welcome back! Be sure to give Abe a huge hug from his newest long distance pal Courtney. I can't wait to meet you, kiddo. Ummm- and you too Lori. ;-) For rizzle.
Welcome Home Rooneys! So glad you're back!!!
A big warm welcome home!!
Welcome home! You cute little family you...!
YAY..you are home!! I can't wait to talk and hear all about it!! Call me when you get settled in. Love you all and give Abe kisses and hugs from Pacey and I!!
Welcome home Rooney family!
What a blessing!
So glad to see that you guys are home safe and sound :) We will talk after a couple of days of recouping. It is amazing to see little Abe in your arms. I am so glad to see you guys as a family...it warms my heart. I thought of you guys daily while you were gone.
Finally- you are home- we can see pictures! We thought of you every day and checked your blog like the stalkers that we are. You are such an adorable family. Utterly meant to be. :)
Welcome Home! I am so thrilled that you are home with your little man! What a beautiful boy and what a beautiful family! Congrats!!!
So glad you're home safely! We've enjoyed the updates and pictures! Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
So glad you're home safely! We've enjoyed the updates and pictures! Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
Welcome home, dear ones.
How wonderful that you are home with your babe, Abe! Loving this happy ending!! Can't wait to follow the next chapter....
Rest up and then go squeeze his precious cheeks some more....I'm referring to Abe, not Ted, in that sentence ;)
YAY! So glad you're home! I wondered if you were going to get caught in the "suspended" flights due to checking the wiring. WHEW! So happy you and Ted can now sleep in your own bed and snuggle with your new sweetie. How many times have you had to pinch yourself? You're finally TOGETHER! [SIGH of GREAT HAPPINESS FOR YOU!]
LY - CindyC (in MS, in case there's another)
precious little guy! booger and all! We can't WAIT to meet him this weekend and hear all about your trips! (Assuming you're coherent by then...) XOXO Carey
Ted and Lori (and ABE!)
So glad you are home - seriously, you are one of the cutest families ever and we are all so happy for you. Abe is such a doll. I can't wait to hear about your trip!
Welcome Home! I've been thinking about you guys a ton and I'm so glad that you are all home and happy. You guys look just perfect together. He's such a super cutie!
Give me a call soon and we'll have to play date...I can't wait to see our boys together.
WELCOME BACK! I love the updates and I am awaiting Home Part 2 with little patience. I need to know when you were will heading South. I will be in Jackson for several weddings this summer and need to meet up with you 3 :)
WHERE HAVE I BEEN???!!!! I knew you guys were on your way soon to get sweet Abe but I didn't realize it had happened! YES!!!! I am so excited for you!
PRAISE THE LORD JESUS!!! He is in your arms... I am so excited for you both.
Looks like you are amazing parents!
Tracie and the other "Ted" from TN
So glad you had a safe trip. What a beautiful baby boy. God Bless!!
Welcome home!! What an adventure!
Yayyyy!! You're a family!!
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