Tuesday, March 4, 2008

SD Memory Cards

Ted and I are sharing the laptop, hence the lack of details yet. He's busy researching flights online. Before too much time goes by, I wanted to let waiting families know that if you want me to take photos of your babes, you can send me an SD card for our digital camera, and we would be so happy to fill it up with photos for you. Just send me an email and I can let you know where to mail it (not to Portland for any of you who have that address).

Doesn't Amy look pretty in orange?

It looks like we may be leaving Monday, March 11th, so get the cards in the mail soon to make sure I have them set and ready to go. Amy sending us a card of photos with Abe was the most amazing gift, so I am so happy to be able to "pay it forward" now to other families!

Here's a photo sent to us by Jocelyn. She's holding Abe and her sister is holding Pacey. I have another photo where Abe is holding the hand of Jocelyn's sis, staring at her with big puppy dog eyes. Looks like the boy has already had his first crush.


Amy said...

You are going so SOON! Yeah!

Yes, Amy does look pretty in orange and Abe looks gorgeous next to orange. That boy is a cutie pie face! I know you are dying over that smile!

Still can't wait to hear the details of the early court!

Melissa said...

These pictures must just kill you to want to meet him. I already look at him like that's your son. He needs to be sitting in one of your laps. He looks like the cuddliest happiest kid ever. His light will shine so brightly in your home and lives and I'm looking forward to that transformation. You're flying out March 11th?! That's so soon and so awesome! Hooray! You literally will be touching him in a matter of some days. PRAISE GOD!

The Soucys said...

MONDAY? MONDAY! Like next MONDAY! WOO-HOO!!!!! That's great news!!!!

graceling said...

Wish I had a baby for you to take pictures of... but, my day will come:) For now, I'm on an Abe high!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Abe is so big and gorgeous.

A Team said...


I am so excited for you I can hardly stand it!!!!

I love the picture at the bottom with his BIG OLE SMILE!

Annie said...

He's TOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!

Travel next week??? YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh I've been thinking about you three all day! I ready your page, and laughed and cried! Praise God! He gives us our hearts desire! Everytime I think about this awesome news I get chills! I can't help but think how much sweeter it is to have Abe because of the trials you went through to get him. What an awesome story you will have someday to tell him! What a great testimony to all who have followed your journey! We continue to hold you in our hearts and prayers! I can NOT wait to kiss those adorable cheeks. Soon...very soon! Life will never be the same. We're here if you need anything!

All our love!
Chris, April & Lillie

Amy B. said...

You're sweet!!! I have to tell you what I LOVE about Abe in these pictures, besides his charming smile...his ears. He has the cutest ears, doesn't he? I noticed it too when I held him. I love how they kind of turn out. He is just so adorable.
So, Monday the 11th, hunh? That is not long! I am so excited for you three. Can I go again? :)I will talk to you again before you leave.


Angie said...

Such cute pics!!! He is what I might call a SHOWSTOPPER!
How great that you are going pronto - and how RIGHT. :)

Jocelyn said...

I am so happy you have a travel date!! This is just so exciting!! Aly will be thrilled that you mentioned Abe's first crush:-)

jody said...

Wow-you are traveling SO soon! what a whiplash adventure for y'all! I love it-God sometimes has us in the place where the water is just nipping at our heels like the priests who carried the ark of the covenant across the divided jordan river-they stood and waited while ALL Israel crossed and then when all had crossed, they had no sooner stepped out of the river bed when the water rushed back to where they had JUST been. Your wait has been like that-standing while everyone else went by but now that you are going to the "other side", God wants you to MOVE IT b/c He's opening the floodgates on y'aLL!! How awesome He is!!!

DrewCareyShow said...

Okay, so I'm kind of bringing up the rear here with all the celebratory comments, but we've been jumping for joy for you guys ever since we got the amazing news! And I keep thinking how unbelievably blessed little Abe Rooney is to have had his parents so totally emotionally invested in him and so deeply loving him all this time! What a wonderful heritage he already has, even before you've held him in your arms. By the way, I got an email from my mom today entitled "Abe," and it merely said, "how cute is Ted & Lori's little guy!!!!!!!" I kid you not -- there were like ten exclamation points! Truth be told, my mom's not a blog follower, so clearly the little man made an impression. He's perfect through and through, and I can't wait until we meet him and Zoe gets to marry him one day =) Hope to see you guys before you travel, but if not, we want to be in your welcome wagon when you return!!! Let me know if there's anything you need from me to help in your travels. Please don't hesitate to call! Oh, and I can't believe I'll be in Portland when you're in Addis! XOXO

kristine said...

How wonderful that you are going so soon! He is such a beautiful boy! Can't wait until he is in your arms!!

Kristine (from B'ham)

Stacie said...

March 11th!! I just got happy butterflies in my stomach on that one! Soooo happy - you'll be there holding sweet Abe SOON!!

Gurskes said...

Congrats on the wonderful news! I hope you will be in Ethiopia the same time we are!