Over three months since seeing Bee's face for the first time. No word on a court date. Still. No word.
In the first photos we saw, she had no hair. In the photos we got this week, her hair has grown enough for bows to be put in. In the first photos, she looked shy, scared, quiet. In the ones this week, she seems extroverted, big, loud.
Her transitional home with our agency is now simply her home and adds yet another layer of loss she's going to suffer in her short life. She is growing up without us and there is nothing we can do about it.
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Wow, Lori. Do you know why it's taking so long to get a court date? I am praying for your little girl to know the warmth of your arms around her soon. Will you email me some of the new photos? I live vicariously through you:)
Oh, Lori. I'm so sorry. This path can be so tough. I feel for her, for all of you.
Heartbreaking. Hope you hear something soon, Lori!
Praying for you...let me know what house she is in, if number 2, I might have pictures!
I'm so sorry, Lori. I'm only a week in, and trying to brace myself for the next 6 - 8 months of torture.
Do you know if you've been submitted to court yet, or are they still gathering paperwork?
Thinking of you all.
If I was really smart and really rich I would design an adoption system that eliminated bureaucracy and the slow process while improving and maintaining systems that eliminate corruption.
Instead I will just send you good thoughts and empathy.
Boo. Waiting is so hard at every stage, but as you know, this one really stinks!! Kinda hate that I am having a deja vu moment here writing this comment! :(
Ugh. We're just beginning our Wait to court and feel it will likely suck way more than the Wait for a referral. Now there are actual kids involved... Thinking of you.
This hurts terribly.
dangit, Lori, that SUCKS!!!! I'm just more sorry about this than I can say.
I'm so sorry Lori. Know I'm thinking of you.
I am so sorry. It's an awful pain that we must bear. Ours came after 3 months so you must be very very very close. Hang on sweet woman. She'll be home soon, although it doesn't feel like it. I'm happy she's at your agency's home. Belay didn't get to our agency home until the day we got there and the orphanage he had been in prior was not good. I bet she's getting great care. Words don't help, I know. But want you to know I'm thinking of you.
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